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Reactive viewport breakpoints.

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {breakpoints} from "@sveu/browser"

    const breakpoint = breakpoints({
        tablet: 640,
        laptop: 1024,
        desktop: 1280,

    const laptop ='laptop', 'desktop')



๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
breakpoints The breakpoints to use. Record<string, string | number> Yes

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Name Description Type
gte Returns true if the breakpoint is greater than or equal the current breakpoint. Readable<boolean>
lte Returns true if the breakpoint is less than or equal the current breakpoint. Readable<boolean>
gt Returns true if the breakpoint is greater than the current breakpoint. Readable<boolean>
lt Returns true if the breakpoint is less than the current breakpoint. Readable<boolean>
bn Returns true if the breakpoint is between the current breakpoint. Readable<boolean>
shortcut Shortcut methods for each breakpoint Readable<boolean>

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import type { Readable } from "svelte/store"

import { adjust_with_unit, type, unstore } from "@sveu/shared"

import { media_query } from "../media_query"
import type { Breakpoints } from "../utils"

 * Reactively viewport breakpoints
 * @param breakpoints - Key value pairs of breakpoints
 * @returns
 * - `gt` - Checks if the viewport is greater than the breakpoint
 * - `gte` - Checks if the viewport is greater than or equal to the breakpoint
 * - `lt` - Checks if the viewport is smaller than the breakpoint
 * - `lte` - Checks if the viewport is smaller than or equal to the breakpoint
 * - `bn` - Checks if the viewport is between the two breakpoints
 * - `shortcuts` - Shortcut methods for each breakpoint
export function breakpoints<K extends string>(breakpoints: Breakpoints<K>) {
 * Get breakpoint value
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @param delta - The delta value
 * @returns The breakpoint value
function get_value(key: K, delta?: number) {
    let value = breakpoints[key]

    if (delta != null) value = unstore(adjust_with_unit(value, delta))

    if (type(value) === "number") value = `${value}px`

    return value

 * Checks if the viewport is greater than or equal to the breakpoint
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @returns Whether the breakpoint is greater than or equal to the breakpoint
function gte(key: K) {
    return media_query(`(min-width: ${get_value(key)})`)

 * Checks if the viewport is greater than the breakpoint
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @returns Whether the breakpoint is greater than the breakpoint
function gt(key: K) {
    return media_query(`(min-width: ${get_value(key, 0.1)})`)

 * Checks if the viewport is smaller than or equal to the breakpoint
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @returns Whether the breakpoint is smaller than or equal to the breakpoint
function lte(key: K) {
    return media_query(`(max-width: ${get_value(key)})`)

 * Checks if the viewport is smaller than the breakpoint
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @returns Whether the breakpoint is smaller than the breakpoint
function lt(key: K) {
    return media_query(`(max-width: ${get_value(key, -0.1)})`)

 * Checks if the viewport is between the two breakpoints
 * @param key - The breakpoint key
 * @returns Whether the breakpoint is between the two breakpoints
function bn(a: K, b: K) {
    return media_query(
        `(min-width: ${get_value(a)}) and (max-width: ${get_value(

const shortcut_methods = Object.keys(breakpoints).reduce((shortcuts, k) => {
    Object.defineProperty(shortcuts, k, {
        get: () => gte(k as K),
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true,
    return shortcuts
}, {} as Record<K, Readable<boolean>>)

return {

Last update: 2023-03-09