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Push Notification

Push Notification API

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import { push } from "@sveu/browser"

    const { supported, result } = push(


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
sw_url Service worker path url string Yes
vapid Vapid public key string Yes

๐Ÿ™ˆ Options

Name Description Type Default
base64 Either to convert the push object into a base64 string boolean true
user_visible_only Either to start subscribing, when the user is visible boolean true

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Name Description Type
result The push subscription Readable<PushSubscription | string>
supported Either the push notification is supported Readable<boolean>

๐Ÿงช Playground


Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import { sleep, to_readable, to_writable, unstore } from "@sveu/shared"

import { support } from "../support"
import type { PushOptions } from "../utils"

type base64 = string

 * Convert a base64 string to a Uint8Array
 * @param base64 - The base64 string to convert
 * @returns The converted Uint8Array
function url_base64_to_uint8_array(base64: string) {
    const padding = "=".repeat((4 - (base64.length % 4)) % 4)

    const _base64 = (base64 + padding).replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/")

    const data = window.atob(_base64)

    const output = new Uint8Array(data.length)

    for (const [i, char] of data.split("").entries())
        output[i] = char.charCodeAt(0)

    return output

 * Push notification API
 * @param sw_url - The service worker url
 * @param vapid - The vapid key
 * @param options - The options
 * - `base64` - Either to convert the push object into a base64 string
 * - `user_visible_only` - Either to start subscribing, when the user is visible
 * @returns The push subscription
 * - `result` - The push subscription
 * - `supported` - Either the push notification is supported
export function push(sw_url: string, vapid: base64, options: PushOptions = {}) {
    const { base64 = true, user_visible_only = true } = options

    const supported = support("serviceWorker")

    const result = to_writable<PushSubscription | string>("")

    async function init() {
        const register =
            (await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration(sw_url)) ??
            (await navigator.serviceWorker.register(sw_url))

        await sleep(0.1)

        const subscription =
            (await register.pushManager.getSubscription()) ??
            (await register.pushManager.subscribe({
                userVisibleOnly: user_visible_only,
                applicationServerKey: url_base64_to_uint8_array(vapid),

        if (base64) result.set(window?.btoa(JSON.stringify(subscription)))
        else result.set(subscription)

    if (unstore(supported)) init()

    return { result: to_readable(result), supported }

Last update: 2023-03-09