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Reactively stores data in the browser's storage

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import { storage } from "@sveu/browser"

    const state = storage("svelte-u", "awesome")


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
key The key to use for the storage string Yes
fallback The fallback value for the storage T No

๐Ÿ™ˆ Options

Name Description Type Default
store Where to store the data local | session | cookie | url local
sync Whether to sync the data boolean true
on_error The function to call on error (error: Error) => void console.error
serializer The serializer to use StorageSerializer<T> depends on fallback
  1. sync is only available for local.

  2. serializer is only available for local, session, and cookie. If your using url, you can't customize the serializer b/c it's use url_query under the hood.

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Watchable store

๐Ÿงช Playground



In the StackBlitz demo, the cookie example will not work b/c it's using a subdomain. You can test it out by running the demo locally.

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import { browser, noop, to_number, unstore, watchable } from "@sveu/shared"
import type { Dict, Watchable } from "@sveu/shared"

import { on } from "../event_listener"
import { url_query } from "../url_query"
import type { StorageOptions, StorageSerializer } from "../utils"

const storage_serializers: Record<
    "boolean" | "object" | "number" | "any" | "string" | "map" | "set" | "date",
> = {
    boolean: {
        read: (v: unknown) => v === "true",
        write: (v: unknown) => String(v),
    object: {
        read: (v: string) => JSON.parse(v),
        write: (v: unknown) => JSON.stringify(v),
    number: {
        read: (v: number | string) => to_number(v),
        write: (v: unknown) => String(v),
    any: {
        read: (v: unknown) => v,
        write: (v: unknown) => String(v),
    string: {
        read: (v: unknown) => v,
        write: (v: unknown) => String(v),
    map: {
        read: (v: string) => new Map(JSON.parse(v)),
        write: (v: Map<unknown, unknown>) =>
    set: {
        read: (v: string) => new Set(JSON.parse(v)),
        write: (v: Set<unknown>) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v)),
    date: {
        read: (v: string | number | Date) => new Date(v),
        write: (v: Date) => v.toISOString(),

 * Guesses the type of the value
 * @param value - The value to guess the type of
 * @returns The type of the value
function guess_serializer_type(value: unknown) {
    return value == null
        ? "any"
        : value instanceof Set
        ? "set"
        : value instanceof Map
        ? "map"
        : value instanceof Date
        ? "date"
        : typeof value === "boolean"
        ? "boolean"
        : typeof value === "string"
        ? "string"
        : typeof value === "object"
        ? "object"
        : !Number.isNaN(value)
        ? "number"
        : "any"

 * Gets the storage object
 * @param store - The store to get
 * @returns The storage object
function get_store(store: "local" | "session" | "cookie") {
    if (store === "session")
        return {
            set(key: string, value: string) {
                sessionStorage.setItem(key, value)
            get(key: string) {
                return sessionStorage.getItem(key)
            delete(key: string) {

    if (store === "cookie")
        return {
            set(key: string, value: string) {
                document.cookie = `${key}=${value};path=/;`
            get(key: string) {
                const cookies = document.cookie.split(";")

                const cookie = cookies.find((cookie) => cookie.startsWith(key))

                if (!cookie) return null

                return cookie.split("=")[1]
            delete(key: string) {
                document.cookie = `${key}=; Max-Age=0; path=/;`
    return {
        set(key: string, value: string) {
            localStorage.setItem(key, value)
        get(key: string) {
            return localStorage.getItem(key)
        delete(key: string) {

 * Reactively stores data in the browser's storage
 * @param key - The key to store the data under
 * @param fallback - The fallback value
 * @param options - The options
 * - `store` - The store to use (local, session, cookie, url). Default: local
 * - `sync` - Whether to sync the data between tabs. Default: true
 * - `on_error` - The function to call when an error occurs. Default: console.error
 * - `serializer` - The serializer to use.
 * @returns A watchable store
export function storage<T>(
    key: string,
    fallback: T,
    options: StorageOptions<T> = {}
): Watchable<T> {
    const {
        store = "local",
        sync = true,
        on_error = (e) => {
    } = options

    if (!browser) return watchable(fallback, noop)

    if (store === "url") {
        const _fallback = {} as Dict

        _fallback[key] = fallback

        const query = url_query("history", { fallback: _fallback })

        const data = watchable(fallback, (_, n) => {
            // @ts-expect-error It's fine
            if (!n) query.set("")
            else query.set({ [key]: n })

        if (unstore(query)?.[key] !== undefined) {
            const item = unstore(query)[key]

            try {
                if (typeof item === "string") data.set(JSON.parse(item))
                else data.set(item)
            } catch {

        return data

    const type = guess_serializer_type(fallback)

    const serializer = options.serializer ?? storage_serializers[type]

    const data = watchable(fallback, (_, n) => write(n))

    const _store = get_store(store)


     * Reads the value from the store
     * @returns The value
    function read() {
        const value = _store.get(key)

        if (value === null) {
            if (fallback !== undefined && fallback !== null)
                _store.set(key, serializer.write(fallback))

            return fallback
        } else if (typeof value !== "string") return value
        else return

     * Writes the value to the store
     * @param value - The value to write
     * @returns The value
    function write(value: unknown) {
        try {
            if (value === null) _store.delete(key)
            else {
                const serialized = serializer.write(value)

                const old_value = _store.get(key)

                if (old_value !== serialized) _store?.set(key, serialized)
        } catch (e) {

    /** Updates the value of the watchable store */
    function update() {

        try {
        } catch (e) {
        } finally {

    if (sync && store === "local") on(window, "storage", update)

    return data

Last update: 2023-03-16