Type Hint
A Collection of types and interfaces inside @sveu/browser.
import type { Readable } from "svelte/store"
import type {
} from "@sveu/shared"
export interface MemoryInfo {
* The maximum size of the heap, in bytes, that is available to the context.
jsHeapSizeLimit: number
* The total allocated heap size, in bytes.
totalJSHeapSize: number
* The currently active segment of JS heap, in bytes.
usedJSHeapSize: number
export interface MemoryOptions extends IntervalFnOptions {
/** The interval in seconds to check the memory. */
interval?: number
export type PerformanceMemory = Performance & {
memory: MemoryInfo
export interface FaviconOptions {
/** The base url to prepend to the favicon. */
base_url?: string
/** The rel attribute of the favicon. */
rel?: string
export interface InferEventTarget<Events> {
addEventListener(event: Events, fn?: AnyFn, options?: any): any
removeEventListener(event: Events, fn?: AnyFn, options?: any): any
export interface GeneralEventListener<E = Event> {
(evt: E): void
export type ListAble<T> = T[] | T
export interface BroadcastChannelOptions {
* The name of the channel.
* @defaultValue "default"
name?: string
export interface PushOptions {
* Convert the push object into a base64 string
* @defaultValue true
base64?: boolean
* Start subscribing, when the user is visible
* @defaultValue true
user_visible_only?: boolean
type DescriptorNamePolyfill =
| "accelerometer"
| "accessibility-events"
| "ambient-light-sensor"
| "background-sync"
| "camera"
| "clipboard-read"
| "clipboard-write"
| "gyroscope"
| "magnetometer"
| "microphone"
| "notifications"
| "payment-handler"
| "persistent-storage"
| "push"
| "speaker"
export type GeneralPermissionDescriptor =
| PermissionDescriptor
| { name: DescriptorNamePolyfill }
export interface PermissionOptions<Controls extends boolean> {
* Expose more controls
* @defaultValue false
controls?: Controls
export type PermissionReturn = Readable<PermissionState | undefined>
export interface PermissionReturnWithControls {
/** The permission state. */
state: PermissionReturn
/** Whether the permission is supported. */
supported: Readable<boolean>
/** Query the permission state. */
query: () => Promise<PermissionStatus | undefined>
export interface ClipboardOptions<Source> {
* Enabled reading for clipboard
* @defaultValue false
read?: boolean
* Copy source
source?: Source
* Seconds to reset state of `copied` ref
* @defaultValue 1.5
copied_during?: number
* Whether fallback to document.execCommand('copy') if clipboard is undefined.
* @defaultValue false
legacy?: boolean
export interface ClipboardReturn<Optional> {
/** Returns whether the clipboard is supported. */
supported: Readable<boolean>
/** The text in the clipboard. */
text: Readable<string>
/** Whether the text is copied. */
copied: Readable<boolean>
/** A function to copy the text to the clipboard. */
copy: Optional extends true
? (text?: string) => Promise<void>
: (text: string) => Promise<void>
export interface FileDialogOptions {
* Allowed multiple files selection.
* @defaultValue true
multiple?: boolean
* Allowed file types.
* @defaultValue '*'
accept?: string
* Select the input source for the capture file.
* @see [HTMLInputElement Capture](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/capture)
capture?: string
export type NetworkType =
| "bluetooth"
| "cellular"
| "ethernet"
| "none"
| "wifi"
| "wimax"
| "other"
| "unknown"
export type NetworkEffectiveType = "slow-2g" | "2g" | "3g" | "4g" | undefined
export interface RafFnOptions {
* Start the requestAnimationFrame loop immediately on creation
* @defaultValue true
immediate?: boolean
export interface FpsOptions {
* Calculate the FPS on every x frames.
* @defaultValue 10
every?: number
export type Breakpoints<K extends string = string> = Record<K, number | string>
export interface EyeDropperOpenOptions {
* The signal to abort the eye dropper.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal
signal?: AbortSignal
export interface EyeDropper {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-new
new (): EyeDropper
open: (options?: EyeDropperOpenOptions) => Promise<{ sRGBHex: string }>
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "EyeDropper"
export interface EyeDropperOptions {
* Initial sRGBHex.
* @defaultValue ''
initial?: string
export interface GeolocationOptions {
/** Whether to enable high accuracy.
* @defaultValue true
high?: boolean
/** The maximum age of a cached position in seconds.
* @defaultValue 3
max_age?: number
/** The timeout in seconds.
* @defaultValue 27
timeout?: number
* To start the geolocation immediately
* @defaultValue true
immediate?: boolean
export interface ImageOptions {
/** Address of the resource */
src: string
/** Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. */
srcset?: string
/** Image sizes for different page layouts */
sizes?: string
export interface IntersectionObserverOptions {
* The Element or Document whose bounds are used as the bounding box when testing for intersection.
root?: HTMLElement | SVGElement | undefined | null
* A string which specifies a set of offsets to add to the root's bounding_box when calculating intersections.
* @defaultValue "0px"
margin?: string
* Either a single number or an array of numbers between 0.0 and 1.
* @defaultValue 0.1
threshold?: number | number[]
export interface Position {
x: number
y: number
export interface MouseOptions extends ConfigurableEventFilter {
* Mouse position based by page, client, or relative to previous position
* @defaultValue 'page'
type?: "page" | "client" | "movement"
* Listen to `touchmove` events
* @defaultValue true
touch?: boolean
* Reset to initial value when `touchend` event fired
* @defaultValue false
reset_on_touch_ends?: boolean
* Initial values
initial_value?: Position
export type MouseSourceType = "mouse" | "touch" | null
export interface WebNotificationOptions extends NotificationOptions {
* The title read-only property of the Notification interface indicates
* the title of the notification
* @defaultValue ''
title?: string
export type WakeLockType = "screen"
export interface WakeLockSentinel extends EventTarget {
type: WakeLockType
released: boolean
release: () => Promise<void>
export type NavigatorWithWakeLock = Navigator & {
wakeLock: { request: (type: WakeLockType) => Promise<WakeLockSentinel> }
export interface WindowSizeOptions {
/** Initial width */
initial_width?: number
/** Initial height */
initial_height?: number
* Listen to window `orientationchange` event
* @defaultValue true
orientation?: boolean
* Whether the scrollbar should be included in the width and height
* @defaultValue true
scrollbar?: boolean
export type WorkerFn = (...args: unknown[]) => Worker
export interface WebWorkerReturn<T = any> {
data: Readable<T>
error: Readable<T>
post: (typeof Worker.prototype)["postMessage"]
cleanup: () => void
wk: Readable<Worker | undefined>
export type WebSocketStatus = "OPEN" | "CONNECTING" | "CLOSED"
export interface WebSocketOptions {
on_connected?: (ws: WebSocket) => void
on_disconnected?: (ws: WebSocket, event: CloseEvent) => void
on_error?: (ws: WebSocket, event: Event) => void
on_message?: (ws: WebSocket, event: MessageEvent) => void
* Send heartbeat for every x seconds passed
* @defaultValue false
| boolean
| {
* Message for the heartbeat
* @defaultValue 'ping'
message?: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob
* Interval, in seconds
* @defaultValue 1
interval?: number
* Heartbeat response timeout, in seconds
* @defaultValue 1
pong_timeout?: number
* Enabled auto reconnect
* @defaultValue false
| boolean
| {
* Maximum retry times.
* Or you can pass a predicate function (which returns true if you want to retry).
* @defaultValue -1
retries?: number | (() => boolean)
* Delay for reconnect, in seconds
* @defaultValue 1
delay?: number
* On maximum retry times reached.
on_failed?: Fn
* Automatically open a connection
* @defaultValue true
immediate?: boolean
* Automatically close a connection
* @defaultValue true
auto_close?: boolean
* List of one or more sub-protocol strings
* @defaultValue []
protocols?: string[]
export interface WebSocketReturn<T> {
* Reference to the latest data received via the websocket,
* can be watched to respond to incoming messages
data: Readable<T | null>
* The current websocket status, can be only one of:
status: Readable<WebSocketStatus>
* Closes the websocket connection gracefully.
close: WebSocket["close"]
* Reopen the websocket connection.
* If there the current one is active, will close it before opening a new one.
open: Fn
* Sends data through the websocket connection.
* @param data - The data to send
* @param buffer - when the socket is not yet open, store the data into the buffer and sent them one connected. Default to true.
send: (data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob, buffer?: boolean) => boolean
* Reference to the WebSocket instance.
ws: Readable<WebSocket | undefined>
export interface VibrateOptions {
* Vibration Pattern
* An array of values describes alternating periods in which the
* device is vibrating and not vibrating. Each value in the array
* is converted to an integer, then interpreted alternately as
* the number of milliseconds the device should vibrate and the
* number of seconds it should not be vibrating
* @defaultValue []
pattern?: number[] | number
* Interval to run a persistent vibration, in seconds
* Pass `0` to disable
* @defaultValue 0
interval?: number
export interface PerformanceObserverOptions extends PerformanceObserverInit {
* Start the observer immediate.
* @defaultValue true
immediate?: boolean
export interface UrlQueryOptions<T> {
* Remove `null` and `undefined` values from the query object
* @defaultValue true
remove_nullish?: boolean
* Remove `false` values from the query object
* @defaultValue false
remove_falsy?: boolean
/** A fallback value to use when the query is empty */
fallback?: T
* Write back to `window.history` automatically
* @defaultValue true
write?: boolean
* Encode the query string using `encodeURIComponent`
* @defaultValue false
encode?: boolean
export interface StorageSerializer<T> {
read(raw: string): T
write(value: T): string
export interface StorageOptions<T> {
* Where to store the data
* @defaultValue "local"
store?: "local" | "session" | "cookie" | "url"
* Called when an error occurs
* @param error - Error
on_error?: (error: unknown) => void
* Custom data serialization
serializer?: StorageSerializer<T>
* Sync data between tabs. Only works with `store: "local"`
* @defaultValue true
sync?: boolean
Last update: 2023-03-16
Authors: Mohamed-Kaizen