Url Query
Reactive URL query string
๐ฌ Usage
import { url_query } from "@sveu/browser"
const query = url_query("history", {
fallback: { sveu: "awesome" },
๐ป Arguments
Name | Description | Type | Required |
mode | The mode to use for the URL query string | history | hash | hash-query | No |
Name | Description | Example |
history | Used when history mode router is used | https://example.com/?sveu=awesome |
hash | Used when hash mode router is used | https://example.com/#/your/route?sveu=awesome |
hash-query | Used when history mode router is used, but want to use hash as query string | https://example.com/#sveu=awesome&sveu=cool |
๐ Options
Name | Description | Type | Default |
fallback | The fallback value for the URL query string | Dict | {} |
remove_nullish | Whether to remove nullish values from the URL query string | boolean | true |
remove_falsy | Whether to remove falsy values from the URL query string | boolean | false |
write | Whether to write the URL query string to the URL | boolean | true |
encode | Whether to encode the URL query string | boolean | false |
โฉ๏ธ Returns
Watchable store
๐งช Playground
Source Code ๐
Source Code
import { browser, noop, unstore, watchable } from "@sveu/shared"
import type { Dict, Watchable } from "@sveu/shared"
import { on } from "../event_listener"
import type { UrlQueryOptions } from "../utils"
* Reactive URL query string
* @param mode - The mode to use for the URL query string
* - `history` - Used when `history mode router` is used
* - `hash` - Used when `hash mode router` is used
* - `hash-query` - Used when `history mode router` is used but , but want to use hash as query string
* @param options - The options to use for the URL query string
* - `fallback` - The fallback value for the URL query string
* - `remove_nullish` - Whether to remove nullish values from the URL query string
* - `remove_falsy` - Whether to remove falsy values from the URL query string
* - `write` - Whether to write the URL query string to the URL
* - `encode` - Whether to encode the URL query string
* @returns a watchable store
export function url_query<T extends Dict>(
mode: "history" | "hash" | "hash-query" = "history",
options: UrlQueryOptions<T> = {}
): Watchable<T> {
const {
fallback = {} as T,
remove_nullish = true,
remove_falsy = false,
write: enable_write = true,
encode = false,
} = options
if (!browser) return watchable<T>(fallback, noop)
const state = watchable(fallback, (_, new_state) => {
const queries = new URLSearchParams("")
Object.keys(new_state).forEach((key) => {
const item = new_state[key]
if (Array.isArray(item) || typeof item === "object") {
const serialized = JSON.stringify(item)
encode ? encodeURIComponent(serialized) : serialized
} else queries.set(key, item)
if (remove_falsy && !item) queries.delete(key)
if (remove_nullish && item === null) queries.delete(key)
* Get the raw query string from the URL
* @returns The raw query string
function get_raw_query() {
if (mode === "history") return window.location.search || ""
else if (mode === "hash") {
const hash = window.location.hash || ""
const index = hash.indexOf("?")
return index > 0 ? hash.slice(index) : ""
} else return (window.location.hash || "").replace(/^#/, "")
* Construct a query string from a `URLSearchParams` object
* @param query - The `URLSearchParams` object to construct the query string from
* @returns The constructed query string
function construct_query(query: URLSearchParams) {
const stringified = query.toString()
if (mode === "history")
return `${stringified ? `?${stringified}` : ""}${
window.location.hash || ""
if (mode === "hash-query")
return `${window.location.search || ""}${
stringified ? `#${stringified}` : ""
const hash = window.location.hash || "#"
const index = hash.indexOf("?")
if (index > 0)
return `${hash.slice(0, index)}${
stringified ? `?${stringified}` : ""
return `${hash}${stringified ? `?${stringified}` : ""}`
* Read the query string from the URL
* @returns A `URLSearchParams` object containing the query string
function read() {
return new URLSearchParams(get_raw_query())
* Update the state object with the query string
* @param queries - The `URLSearchParams` object to update the state with
function update_state(queries: URLSearchParams) {
const unused_keys = new Set(Object.keys(unstore(state)))
for (const key of queries.keys()) {
const query_for_key = queries.getAll(key)
const _state = unstore(state) as Dict
_state[key] =
query_for_key.length > 1
? query_for_key
: queries.get(key) || ""
Array.from(unused_keys).forEach((key) => delete unstore(state)[key])
* Write the query string to the URL
* @param queries - The `URLSearchParams` object to write to the URL
* @param should_update - Whether to update the state object with the query string
function write(queries: URLSearchParams, should_update?: boolean) {
if (should_update) update_state(queries)
window.location.pathname + construct_query(queries)
/** The event handler for when the URL changes */
function on_changed() {
if (!enable_write) return
write(read(), true)
on(window, "popstate", on_changed, false)
if (mode !== "history") on(window, "hashchange", on_changed, false)
const initial = read()
if (initial.keys().next().value) update_state(initial)
else Object.assign(state, fallback)
return state
Last update: 2023-03-16
Authors: Mohamed-Kaizen