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Async Validator

Wrapper for async-validator.

โšก๏ธ Prerequisites

  • Install the async-validator package:
$ pnpm add async-validator

---> 100%

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {validator} from "@sveu/extend/async_validator"

    const form = { email: "", name: "", age: "" }

    const rules = {
        name: {
            type: "string",
            min: 5,
            max: 20,
            required: true,
        age: {
            type: "number",
            required: true,
        email: [
                type: "email",
                required: true,

    const { errors, error, error_fields, pass, finished } = validator(

The async_validator module expose another function called async_validator, the different from validator is that the async_validator function returns a Promise instead of a Readable store. It's useful when want to validate in the server side or in async functions.


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
value The value to be validated. object Yes
rules The rules to validate the value. Rules from async-validator Yes

๐Ÿ™ˆ Options

Read the async-validator documentation for more information.

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Name Description Type
pass Whether the validation passed. Readable<boolean> || Boolean
finished Whether the validation finished.(only in validator) Readable<boolean>
error Error instance Readable<AsyncValidatorError | null> || AsyncValidatorError | null
errors List of errors info Readable<ValidateError[] | undefined> || ValidateError[] | undefined>
error_fields Key-value pairs of field names and error information. Readable<Record<string, ValidateError[]> | undefined> || Record<string, ValidateError[]> | undefined>

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import type { Readable } from "svelte/store"

import { to_readable, to_writable } from "@sveu/shared"
import type { Dict } from "@sveu/shared"

import Schema from "async-validator"
import type { Rules, ValidateError, ValidateOption } from "async-validator"

export type AsyncValidatorError = Error & {
    errors: ValidateError[]
    fields: Record<string, ValidateError[]>

 * Wrapper for async-validator.
 * @param value - Value to validate
 * @param rules - [Rules to validate.](
 * @param options - [async-validator options.](
 * @returns
 * - `pass` - Whether the validation passed.
 * - `finished` - Whether the validation has finished.
 * - `error` - Error instance.
 * - `errors` - List of error information.
 * - `error_fields` - Key-value pairs of field names and error information.

export function validator(
    value: Dict,
    rules: Rules,
    options: ValidateOption = {}
) {
    const error = to_writable<AsyncValidatorError | null>(null)

    const finished = to_writable(false)

    const pass = to_writable(false)

    const errors = to_writable<AsyncValidatorError["errors"] | undefined>(

    const error_fields = to_writable<AsyncValidatorError["fields"] | undefined>(

    async function validate() {


        const validator = new Schema(rules)

        try {
            await validator.validate(value, options)




        } catch (_error) {
            const err = _error as AsyncValidatorError



        } finally {


    return {
        pass: to_readable(pass),
        finished: to_readable(finished),
        error: to_readable(error),
        errors: to_readable(errors),
        error_fields: to_readable(error_fields),

 * The async version of `validator`.
 * @remarks This function is different from `validator` in that it returns a promise and doesn't return readable store.
 * @param value - Value to validate
 * @param rules - [Rules to validate.](
 * @param options - [async-validator options.](
 * @returns
 * - `pass` - Whether the validation passed.
 * - `error` - Error instance.
 * - `errors` - List of error information.
 * - `error_fields` - Key-value pairs of field names and error information.
export async function async_validator(
    value: Dict,
    rules: Rules,
    options: ValidateOption = {}
) {
    const validator = new Schema(rules)

    try {
        await validator.validate(value, options)

        return {
            pass: true,
            error: null,
            errors: undefined,
            error_fields: undefined,
    } catch (_error) {
        const error = _error as AsyncValidatorError

        return {
            pass: false,
            errors: error?.errors,
            error_fields: error?.fields,

Last update: 2023-02-17