Wrapper for firebase cloud messaging.
โก๏ธ Prerequisites
- Install the firebase package:
๐ฌ Usage
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"
import {fcm} from "@sveu/extend/fcm"
const config = {
const app = initializeApp(config)
const { token, error, supported, messaging, on_message } = fcm(app)
๐ป Arguments
Name | Description | Type | Required |
firebase | Firebase app instance. | firebase.app.App | Yes |
๐ Options
Name | Description | Type | Default |
vapid_key | The public vapid key to use for push notifications. | string | No default |
sw_path | The url path to the service worker file. | string | No default |
โฉ๏ธ Returns
Name | Description | Type |
token | The token to use for push notifications. | Readable<string> |
error | The error if any. | Readable<Error> |
supported | Whether push notifications are supported. | Readable<boolean> |
messaging | The firebase messaging instance. | Readable<firebase.messaging.Messaging> |
on_message | The function to call when a message is received. | fn: (payload: unknown) => void |
๐งช Playground
Clone the playground and run it locally
Source Code ๐
Source Code
import { browser, to_readable, to_writable, unstore } from "@sveu/shared"
import type { FirebaseApp } from "firebase/app"
import { getMessaging, getToken, onMessage } from "firebase/messaging"
import type { GetTokenOptions, Messaging } from "firebase/messaging"
interface FcmOptions {
vapid_key?: string
sw_path?: string
* Wrapper for Firebase Messaging
* @param firebase - Firebase app
* @param options - Options
* - `vapid_key` - VAPID key
* - `sw_path` - Service worker path
* @returns
* - `token` - Readable store with FCM token
* - `error` - Readable store with error
* - `supported` - Readable store with boolean value indicating if FCM is supported
* - `messaging` - Readable store with messaging instance
* - `on_message` - Function for handling incoming messages
export function fcm(firebase: FirebaseApp, options: FcmOptions = {}) {
const { vapid_key, sw_path } = options
const token = to_writable<string | null>(null)
const error = to_writable<Error | null>(null)
const supported = to_writable<boolean>(false)
const messaging = to_writable<Messaging | null>(null)
let sw: any
/** Create messaging instance and get token */
async function init() {
if (sw_path) {
try {
sw = await navigator.serviceWorker.register(sw_path)
} catch {
error.set(new Error("Service worker registration failed"))
const token_options: GetTokenOptions = {
vapidKey: vapid_key,
serviceWorkerRegistration: sw,
const _messaging = unstore(messaging)
if (_messaging) {
try {
const _token = await getToken(_messaging, token_options)
} catch (e: any) {
if (browser) {
if (!messaging) {
error.set(new Error("Firebase Messaging is not supported"))
function on_message(fn: (payload: unknown) => void) {
const _messaging = unstore(messaging)
if (_messaging) onMessage(_messaging, fn)
return {
token: to_readable(token),
error: to_readable(error),
supported: to_readable(supported),
messaging: to_readable(messaging),
Last update: 2023-03-07
Authors: Mohamed-Kaizen