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Async State

Reactive async state.

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {async_state} from "@sveu/shared"

    function my_async_function() {

          return "some result"

    const { loading, state, ready, execute } = async_state(my_async_function, "initial state")


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
promise The promise to be resolved Promise<T> | ((...args: any[]) => Promise<T>), Yes
initial_state The initial state, used until the first evaluation finishes T Yes

๐Ÿ™ˆ Options

Name Description Type Default
delay Delaying the executing of the promise, if immediate is true. In second. number 0
immediate If true, the promise will be executed immediately. boolean true
reset_on_execute Sets the state to initial_state before executing the promise. boolean true
throw_error An error is thrown when executing the execute function. boolean false
on_error Callback when error is caught. function null

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Name Description Type
state The state of the async function Readable(T)
ready Whether the async function is ready to execute Readable(boolean)
loading Whether the async function is loading Readable(boolean)
error The error of the async function Readable(unknown)
execute A function to execute the async function. It can accept a delay option to delay the execution and an arg option to pass an argument to the async function. function(delay?: number, ...args: any[])

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import { sleep } from "../sleep"
import { to_readable } from "../to_readable"
import { to_writable } from "../to_writable"
import { noop } from "../utils"
import type { AsyncStateOptions } from "../utils"

 * A function that executes a promise and returns a state.
 * @param promise - The promise to execute.
 * @param initial_state - The initial state of the state.
 * @param options - The options.
 * - `delay` - Delay for executing the promise. In second.
 * - `immediate` - Execute the promise right after the function is invoked.
 * - `on_error` - Callback when error is caught.
 * - `reset_on_execute` - Sets the state to initial state before executing the promise.
 * - `throw_error` - An error is thrown when executing the execute function.
 * @returns An object with the following properties:
 * - `state` - The state.
 * - `ready` - A boolean that indicates if the promise has been resolved.
 * - `loading` - A boolean that indicates if the promise is being executed.
 * - `error` - The error that was caught.
 * - `execute` - A function that executes the promise manually.
export function async_state<T>(
    promise: Promise<T> | ((...args: any[]) => Promise<T>),
    initial_state: T,
    options: AsyncStateOptions = {}
) {
    const {
        immediate = true,
        delay = 0,
        on_error = noop,
        reset_on_execute = true,
    } = options ?? {}

    const state = to_writable(initial_state)

    const ready = to_writable(false)

    const loading = to_writable(false)

    const error = to_writable<unknown | undefined>(undefined)

     * Executes the promise.
     * @param delay - Delay for executing the promise. In second. default: 0
     * @param args - The arguments to pass to the promise.
     * @returns The state.
    async function execute(delay = 0, ...args: any[]) {
        if (reset_on_execute) state.set(initial_state)




        if (delay > 0) await sleep(delay)

        const _promise =
            typeof promise === "function" ? promise(...args) : promise

        try {
            const data = await _promise


        } catch (e) {
            if (throw_error) throw error
        } finally {

        return state as T

    if (immediate) execute(delay)

    return {
        state: to_readable(state),
        ready: to_readable(ready),
        loading: to_readable(loading),
        error: to_readable(error),

Last update: 2023-03-07