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Enhance an object with some useful methods.

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {enhance} from "@sveu/shared/dicts"

    const obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

    const dict = enhance(obj)

    dict.add("d", 4)

    dict.contains("a", "b") // true


    dict.contains("a") // false

    dict.add("a", 1)

    dict.get("a") // 1

    const copy = dict.copy() // {a: 1}

    dict.from_keys(["b", "c"], 2) // {b: 2, c: 2}

    dict.invert() // {1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"}

    dict.keys() // ["a", "b", "c"]

    dict.pop("a") // 1

    dict.popitem() // [c, 3]

    dict.values() // [2, 3]


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
obj The object to enhance Dict Yes

๐Ÿ“ Methods


Add a value to the dict.

Name Description Type Required
key The key to add string Yes
value The value to add unknown Yes


Clear the dict.


Check if the dict contains a key.

Name Description Type Required
key The key to check string Yes


Copy the dict.


Create a dict from keys.

Name Description Type Required
keys The keys to use string[] Yes
value The value to add unknown No


Get a value from the dict.

Name Description Type Required
key The key to get string Yes
fallback The fallback value unknown No


Change the keys and values of the dict.


Get the keys of the dict.


Get a value from the dict and remove it.

Name Description Type Required
key The key to get string Yes


Remove the last item from the dictionary and return it.


Get the values of the dict.

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

A store with extra methods.

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import { to_writable } from "../../to_writable"
import { unstore } from "../../unstore"
import type { Dict } from "../../utils"
import { contains as _contains } from "../contains"
import { invert as _invert } from "../invert"

 * Enhance a object with some useful methods.
 * @param obj - The object to enhance.
 * @returns The enhanced object.
 * - `subscribe` - A svelte store.
 * - `add` - Add a value to the dict.
 * - `clear` - Clear the dict.
 * - `contains` - Check if the dict contains a key.
 * - `copy` - Copy the dict.
 * - `from_keys` - Create a dict from keys.
 * - `get` - Get a value from the dict.
 * - `invert` - Invert the dict.
 * - `keys` - Get the keys of the dict.
 * - `pop` - Remove a value from the dict.
 * - `popitem` - Remove the last item from the dict.
 * - `values` - Get the values of the dict.
export function enhance(obj: Dict) {
    const dict = to_writable(obj)

     * Add a value to the dict.
     * @param key - The key to add.
     * @param value - The value to add.
    function add(key: string, value: unknown) {
        dict.update((n: Dict) => {
            n[key] = value
            return n

    /** Clear the dict.*/
    function clear() {
        dict.update((n: Dict) => {
            for (const key in n) {
                delete n[key]
            return n
     * Check if the dict contains a key.
     * @param key - The key to check.
     * @returns boolean
    function contains(key: string) {
        return _contains(unstore(dict), key)
     * Copy the dict.
     * @returns The copied dict.
    function copy() {
        return enhance({ ...unstore(dict) })

     * Create a dict from keys.
     * @param keys - The keys to create.
     * @param value - The value to set.
     * @returns The created dict.
    function from_keys(keys: string[], value: unknown) {
        return enhance(
            keys.reduce((n, k) => {
                n[k] = value
                return n
            }, {} as Dict)

     * Get a value from the dict.
     * @param key - The key to get.
     * @param fallback - The fallback value if the key is not found.
     * @returns The value.
    function get(key: string, fallback: unknown = null) {
        return unstore(dict)[key] ?? fallback

     * Invert the dict.
     * @returns The inverted dict.

    function invert() {

     * Get the keys of the dict.
     * @returns The keys.
    function keys() {
        return Object.keys(unstore(dict))

     * Get a value from the dict and remove it.
     * @param key - The key to get.
     * @returns The value.
    function pop(key: string) {
        const value = get(key)

        dict.update((n: Dict) => {
            delete n[key]
            return n

        return value

     * Remove the last item from the dictionary and return it.
     * @returns The last item.
    function popitem() {
        const key = Object.keys(unstore(dict)).pop()

        if (key) {
            const value = get(key)

            dict.update((n: Dict) => {
                delete n[key]
                return n

            return [key, value]

        return null

     * Get the values of the dict.
     * @returns The values.
    function values() {
        return Object.values(unstore(dict))

    return {
        subscribe: dict.subscribe,

Last update: 2023-02-15