A Collection of is functions that help you check the type of the value.
Check if the environment is browser or not.
import {browser} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>browser? {browser ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Check if WebSocket is available or not.
Is Set
Check if the value is Set or not.
import {is_set} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Set? {is_set(new Set()) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Boolean
Check if the value is Boolean or not.
import {is_boolean} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Boolean? {is_boolean(true) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Function
Check if the value is Function or not.
import {is_function} from "@sveu/shared"
function test() {
return "test"
<h1>Function? {is_function(test) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Number
Check if the value is Number or not.
import {is_number} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Number? {is_number(1) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is String
Check if the value is String or not.
import {is_string} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>String? {is_string("svelte") ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Array
Check if the value is Array or not.
import {is_array} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Array? {is_array([]) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Object
Check if the value is Object or not.
import {is_object} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Object? {is_object({}) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Date
Check if the value is Date or not.
import {is_date} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Date? {is_date(new Date()) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Symbol
Check if the value is Symbol or not.
import {is_symbol} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Symbol? {is_symbol(Symbol()) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Windows
Check if the value is windows object or not.
import {is_window} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Windows? {is_window("f") ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>Windows? {is_window(window) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Empty
Check if the value is empty or not.
import {is_empty} from "@sveu/shared"
<h1>Empty? {is_empty({}) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Equal
Check if the value is equal to the other value or not.
import {is_equal} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = {a: 1}
const b = {a: 1}
<h1>Equal? {is_equal(a, b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Store
Check if the value is Store or not.
import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"
import {is_store} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = readable(1)
const b = writable(1)
<h1>is "A" a Store? {is_store(a) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "B" a Store? {is_store(b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Readable Store
Check if the value is Readable Store or not.
import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"
import {is_readable} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = readable(1)
const b = writable(1)
<h1>is "A" a Readable Store? {is_readable(a) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "B" a Readable Store? {is_readable(b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Readable Store Only
Check if the value is Readable Store Only or not.
import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"
import {is_readable_only} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = readable(1)
const b = writable(1)
<h1>is "A" a Readable Store Only? {is_readable_only(a) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "B" a Readable Store Only? {is_readable_only(b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Writable Store
Check if the value is Writable Store or not.
import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"
import {is_writable} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = readable(1)
const b = writable(1)
<h1>is "A" a Writable Store? {is_writable(a) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "B" a Writable Store? {is_writable(b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Is Partial Writable Store
Check if the store contains subscribe
and set
methods, valid use case is customStore
that returns the subscribe
and set
import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"
import {is_partial_writable} from "@sveu/shared"
const a = readable(1)
const b = writable(1)
const c = {
subscribe: () => {},
set: () => {}
<h1>is "A" a Partial Writable Store? {is_partial_writable(a) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "B" a Partial Writable Store? {is_partial_writable(b) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
<h1>is "C" a Partial Writable Store? {is_partial_writable(c) ? 'yea' : "nope"}</h1>
Source Code 👀
Source Code
import type { Readable, Writable } from "svelte/store"
import { type } from "../type"
import type { MaybeStore } from "./types"
export const browser = typeof window !== "undefined"
export const is_ws = typeof WebSocket !== "undefined"
export function is_set<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "set"
export function is_boolean<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "boolean"
export function is_function<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "function"
export function is_number<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "number"
export function is_string<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "string"
export function is_object<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "object"
export function is_array<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "array"
export function is_date<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "date"
export function is_symbol<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return type(value) === "symbol"
export function is_window<T>(value?: T): boolean {
return typeof window !== "undefined" && type(value) === "window"
export function is_readable<T>(store: any): store is Readable<T> {
return store && is_function(store?.subscribe)
export function is_writable<T>(store: any): store is Writable<T> {
return (
store &&
["subscribe", "set", "update"].every((n) => is_function(store[n]))
export function is_partial_writable<T>(store: any): store is Writable<T> {
return store && ["subscribe", "set"].every((n) => is_function(store[n]))
export function is_readable_only<T>(store: any): store is Readable<T> {
return store && is_function(store?.subscribe) && !is_writable(store)
export function is_store<T>(store: any): store is MaybeStore<T> {
return is_readable(store) || is_writable(store)
export function is_empty(value: any) {
if (value === true || value === false) return true
if (value === null || value === undefined) return true
if (is_number(value)) return parseInt(value) === 0
if (is_date(value)) return isNaN(value)
if (is_function(value)) return false
if (is_symbol(value)) return false
const length = (value as any).length
if (is_number(length)) return length === 0
const size = (value as any).size
if (is_number(size)) return size === 0
const keys = Object.keys(value).length
return keys === 0
export function is_equal<T, U>(x: T, y: U): boolean {
if (, y)) return true
if (x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date)
return x.getTime() === y.getTime()
if (x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp)
return x.toString() === y.toString()
if (
typeof x !== "object" ||
x === null ||
typeof y !== "object" ||
y === null
) {
return false
const keys_x = Reflect.ownKeys(x as unknown as object)
const keys_y = Reflect.ownKeys(y as unknown as object)
if (keys_x.length !== keys_y.length) return false
for (let i = 0; i < keys_x.length; i++) {
if (!Reflect.has(y as unknown as object, keys_x[i])) return false
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
if (!is_equal(x[keys_x[i]], y[keys_x[i]])) return false
return true
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
export const noop = () => {}