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A function that returns a promise that resolves after a given amount of time. This function is similar to the sleep function in Python.

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {sleep} from "@sveu/shared"

    let text = "wake up"

    async function update_text(){
        text = "sleep...."
        await sleep(2)
        text = "wake up"


<button on:click="{() => update_text()}">Sleep</button>


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
s Seconds to sleep number Yes
throw_on_timeout Throw an error on timeout boolean No
reason Reason to throw if throw_on_timeout is true. string No

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
 * A function that returns a promise that resolves after a given amount of time.
 * @param s - The amount of time to wait in seconds.
 * @param throw_on_timeout - Whether to throw an error after the timeout.
 * @param reason - The reason to throw if `throw_on_timeout` is `true`.
 * @see
 * @returns A promise that resolves after `s` seconds.
export function sleep(
    s: number,
    throw_on_timeout = false,
    reason = "Timeout"
): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (throw_on_timeout) setTimeout(() => reject(reason), s * 1000)
        else setTimeout(resolve, s * 1000)

Last update: 2023-03-07