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Update value after a given time with controls.

๐ŸŽฌ Usage

    import {timeout} from "@sveu/shared"

    const { ready, start } = timeout(1, { controls: true })

<p>Ready: { $ready }</p>

<button disabled="{!$ready}" on:click="{() => start()}">Start Again</button>


๐Ÿ‘ป Arguments

Name Description Type Required
interval The time to wait before invoking the function in second number no

๐Ÿ™ˆ Options

Name Description Type Default
controls Whether to return controls to start the timer again. boolean false
callback A function to be executed after the timer is done. Function undefined

โ†ฉ๏ธ Returns

Name Description Type
ready A boolean value that indicates whether the timer is done. Readable<boolean>
timeoutfn returns see timeoutfn returns Stoppable

๐Ÿงช Playground

Source Code ๐Ÿ‘€

Source Code
import { readable } from "svelte/store"
import type { Readable } from "svelte/store"

import { on_destroy } from "../on_destroy"
import { timeoutfn } from "../timeoutfn"
import { noop } from "../utils"
import type { Fn, Stoppable, TimeoutOptions } from "../utils"

 * Update value after a given time with controls.
 * @param interval - Time in seconds to update the value.
 * @param options - Options to control the behavior of the timeout.
 * - `controls` - Expose more controls. (default: false)
 * - `callback` - a function to call when the timeout is reached.
 * @returns
 * - `ready` - a readable store with the current state.
 * - `stop` - a function to stop the timeout. (only if `controls` option is true)
 * - `start` - a function to start the timeout. (only if `controls` option is true)
export function timeout(
    interval?: number,
    options?: TimeoutOptions<false>
): Readable<boolean>
export function timeout(
    interval: number,
    options: TimeoutOptions<true>
): {
    ready: Readable<boolean>
} & Stoppable
export function timeout(interval = 1, options: TimeoutOptions<boolean> = {}) {
    const { controls: expose_controls = false, callback } = options

    let unsubscribe: Fn = noop

    const controls = timeoutfn(callback ?? noop, interval, options)

    const ready = readable(true, (set) => {
        unsubscribe = controls.pending.subscribe((value) => set(!value))


    if (expose_controls) {
        return {
    } else {
        return ready

Last update: 2023-02-09